Pros and Cons of Coating Your Rotating Equipment

To coat or not to coat? Rotating equipment owners know protective coatings safeguard against fouling and corrosion, but are they absolutely necessary for every application? Which conditions and/or process media should be considered for coatings? Will coating impact the performance of the equipment positively or negatively? Which coating should be used for which process media?…

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HDS Expands to Meet Growing Needs of Customers

houston rotating equipment repair

Houston Dynamic Service is in the midst of hiring a new team of representatives to promote our services and offer our expertise and technology to meet the growing needs of the industries we serve. Our Southeast Houston facility specializes in rotating equipment repair for pumps, turbines, compressors, and more; but we are on a mission…

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6 Valuable Tips for Improving Your Equipment’s Reliability

rotating equipment reliability

Your critical rotating equipment are some of the most valuable and expensive assets your company owns. Without them, you cannot manufacture great products for your customers, right? So, you probably want to know how to get the most out your equipment, keep it reliable, and running smoothly.   1.  Invest in Operator Training If you…

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Rotating Equipment Basics

Houston Dynamic is one of the leading experts in rotating equipment repair and maintenance. But what exactly is rotating equipment? This term encompasses many different types of equipment – gas compressors, turbines, pumps, fans, blowers, and gear boxes. So, let’s go over what these are and why maintenance and timely repairs are so important. You…

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How Proper Lubrication Can Minimize Rotating Equipment Repair

lubricate rotating equipment

Does your rotating equipment overheat repeatedly or completely seize up? Maybe you have noticed your equipment is making more noise than before. Is your equipment smearing? Is it discolored? Rotating equipment that is not adequately lubricated will not function properly. Adhering to a regular lubricating maintenance schedule is necessary to keep your rotating equipment functioning…

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6 Essential Tips for Proper Rotating Equipment Preventive Maintenance

The best way to keep your rotating equipment operating properly so you can minimize repairs and downtime is to have a preventive maintenance program in place that ensures routine maintenance tasks are performed on a regularly scheduled basis. By performing pre-defined maintenance at specific intervals, you can catch potential problems early on before they become…

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Bring on the Tough Jobs – We do that!

houston repair shop for rotating equipment

HDS has one of the largest and most capable rotating equipment repair facilities in the Gulf Coast area. With our recent ISO 9001compliance certification, our customers know they are receiving the highest quality repairs available by an independent repair and service center. We pride ourselves in taking on complex repairs that other shops back away…

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Houston Dynamic Service Today

While there have been many bumps in the road over the years, since December 2001 Houston Dynamic Service has adopted a quality culture and approach to completing projects that has put them in position as one of the largest independent rotating equipment repair shop in Houston. “Growth and success in this business requires state-of-the-art repair…

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Our ISO 9001 Journey: Compliant – at Last!

During the final phase of our ISO 9001 project, we continued to focus on implementation of various requirements of the ISO 9001: 2008 standard. There were a number of verifications performed to ensure that our QMS met all specified requirements.   On-Going Implementation Some implementation activities take longer to complete, so we had to carry…

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