Strategies to Reduce Cavitation in Centrifugal Pumps

The team at Houston Dynamic Supply have seen all sorts of issues with rotating equipment, including centrifugal pumps. One of the most common and devastating is cavitation. This happens when vapor bubbles form in low-pressure pockets and implode when entering into higher pressure areas. It leads to all sorts of damage on pump internals and…

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Pump Cavitation – What Causes it and How to Prevent it

Cavitation can occur in rotating equipment, especially centrifugal pumps. This cavitation can go unnoticed or diagnosed incorrectly. This can lead to issues with production, energy usage, output, lifespan of equipment, and even catastrophic breakdowns. To help with this, we will tell you all about pump cavitation – what causes it and how to prevent it.…

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Should you Upgrade or Replace Legacy Equipment?

The landscape of industry has changed a great deal, even over the past few years. New technology promises better outcomes that are worth the cost of new equipment. Your legacy equipment may be working just fine, even after its allotted usual lifespan. Or it may be showing signs of aging. But is the investment really…

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Improve Your Operation’s Performance with an R&M Assessment

Reliability & Maintenance (R&M) are generally assessments and audits that give scores on compliance goals along with recommendations for improvement. But these sort of assessments can’t be done in a day, week, or in some cases, a month. This is why we will show you how to improve your operations performance with an R&M assessment…

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Strategies to Optimize Condition Monitoring

Not too long ago the equipment you needed to monitor all of your assets was expensive and difficult to operate, especially from one location. As technology has advanced, all of that has changed to encompass your most important assets from onsite to remote. The cost to operate the monitoring equipment has also gone down, as…

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The Importance of Oil Level Control in Equipment Performance

Precision lubrication means utilizing various data points and expert advice to choose the best lubricant, frequency, method, and volume needed to optimize performance and extend the lifespan of critical equipment. This is the goal of any maintenance program, and data is constantly changing. One thing that should be on your mind is the importance of…

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How a Centrifuge Failure Almost Became Deadly

The team at Houston Dynamic Supply work with all sorts of centrifuges and rotating equipment across all industries. We have seen everything from catastrophic failure to simple fixes to rebuilding components at a fraction of the standard price. Below we will share a case study on a serious and nearly fatal failure of a centrifuge…

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Types of Machining Processes

Machining may be generally defined as the process of shaping down a piece of material into an intended design using specialty, power-driven tools. For example, many parts and components need some machining during manufacturing. Machining can be used to shape metals, plastic, rubbers, and more. In other cases, machining can be used to fix current…

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The Importance of Root Cause Analysis

Root cause analysis, also known as RCA, is discovering the root cause of a problem in order to identify the correct solution. RCA also promotes systematically preventing and solving underlying issues rather than “putting out fires” as they form. Below, we will discuss the benefits of RCA and how to apply it to your operation.…

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Don’t Let Soft Foot Compromise Your Equipment

Soft foot can be one of the leading issues encountered in rotating equipment. It is also known as machine frame distortion and is a complex condition that can result in damage to the equipment, along with its output. These include quality and mechanical problems such as elevated vibration levels, misalignment, advanced wear and tear, premature…

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