Improve Your Operation’s Performance with an R&M Assessment
Reliability & Maintenance (R&M) are generally assessments and audits that give scores on compliance goals along with recommendations for improvement. But these sort of assessments can’t be done in a day, week, or in some cases, a month. This is why we will show you how to improve your operations performance with an R&M assessment for accurate and actionable results.
Create a Plan
Begin by developing a detailed action plan with a timed roadmap. Assessments should focus on current processes that aren’t operating at peak efficiency, as well as confirming those that are. Key steps include communications with workers, data on power usage, equipment performance, lifespan of equipment and components, metrics gap analyses, meetings to gather and analyze data, and other factors as needed by your operation. Assessments should be open and honest, so all involved should be encouraged to speak freely in order to prioritize needs. Remember that everything is related. We recommend looking at both the “trees” and the “forest” to see how each affects the other.
Tools for R&M Assessment
The ultimate goal of your tools in this instance is to measure items such as failure rate, mean time between failures, and any related data. Advanced digital tools and technology are ideal for this, but this data can also be gathered with a simple pen and paper. However, this is not recommended as the only means of collecting this information.
We also recommend you consider and implement predictive tools to help determine the maintenance schedules and reliabilities of designs identical or similar to yours. This information allows you to adjust your maintenance accordingly, as well as anticipate any failures in order to avoid them.
R&M Assessment Prediction
Prediction is one of the most desirable benefits of an R&M assessment. You may use a pre-determined prediction standard to delineate the data used to determine reliability. For example, the 217Plus system was developed to replace the MIL-HDBK-217 models used in the military and government. The 217Plus system was structured with enhanced approaches for operating environments, quality, and any and all effects on reliability. It also continues to be updated as needed.
However, this is not the only standard for conducting an R&M assessment, as there are many others and they constantly change along with the industries they support. Many R&M prediction assessment tools allow you to enter your operating parameters, such as various stresses, temperatures, and other operating conditions. The tool then calculates performed operations in designated standards to determine the rate, length, and number of failures. This method of prediction can also improve over time and as more data is received and processed.
Houston Dynamic Supply Assistance with R&M Assessments
R&M assessments are much easier said than done. We at HDS can help by keeping your operation working at its best and for as long as possible through our expert diagnostic, repair, and refurbishing services. HDS also performs testing, inspections, and much more on all sorts of rotating equipment from centrifuges to compressors and beyond.
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