Bring on the Tough Jobs – We do that!

HDS has one of the largest and most capable rotating equipment repair facilities in the Gulf Coast area. With our recent ISO 9001compliance certification, our customers know they are receiving the highest quality repairs available by an independent repair and service center. We pride ourselves in taking on complex repairs that other shops back away from. Regardless of OEM, we’ll provide sound guidance and a solution that will return your critical equipment to you in record time.
Our modern, well organized facility in Houston, TX is staffed with some of the industry’s best mechanics, machinists, engineers, and technical support staff, dedicated to quality and trained in the most current rotating equipment repair techniques. Your schedule is our schedule! When you need us, we’re there: 24 hours a day – 7 days a week.
From the moment your equipment arrives at HDS, it is a critical project to us. It will go through dis-assembly and a rigorous inspection and analysis. Once our team has determined the optimum solutions to restore your rotating equipment to your specifications and expectations, your project will be given the highest priority. One of our number one goals is to get your critical pumps and turbomachinery back in production, operating at optimum capacity.
We routinely provide unique services for “one off” types of machinery components and rotating equipment. Our skilled and knowledgeable team tackles any and all types of repair, including steam pumps, rod pumps and “wooley” valves. If another repair shop has told you, “we don’t do that” – call us! Chances are, we DO.
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